Harsh weather conditions and rapidly rising water presented numerous challenges to the project. For much of the project, 24-hour construction operations were necessary. Through four construction seasons, embankments were completed to a top elevation of 1,460 which was two feet above the natural outlet of Devils Lake.


Our team completed field survey work, acquired 60 parcels of land through our right-of-way work, coordinated three home relocations, completed design plans and specifications, and provided construction engineering, quality assurance, and construction administration for the Spirit Lake Tribe. Over 4.3 million cubic yards of borrow, 200,000 tons of riprap, 100,000 tons of gravel, and many other materials were hauled in and incorporated into the dam section. Hundreds of trucks and dozens of pieces of equipment were used on the project, and many were run by Spirit Lake TERO operators.



Roadways carrying thousands of vehicles per day were saved from the rising waters of Devils Lake.  Homes, environmental and cultural resources, and thousands of acres of land were also protected. KLJ and the Spirit Lake Tribe are pursuing funding opportunities and working toward final project completion to a top elevation of 1,468, which will ensure permanent flood protection for the Spirit Lake Nation.

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