Engineering water solutions

Water is one resource we use every day, often without thinking. And that’s as it should be, because we believe in designing water solutions and not second thoughts. Whether the water is in the ground, on the surface, in the process of being treated, or in a glass in your hand – let us take care of the details.

Drinking water

When you're thirsty, nothing tastes as great as a tall, cool glass of water. And when you’re raising that simple glass of water, all the work it took to get there shouldn’t cross your mind. 

  • Master Planning
  • Supply
    • Ground Water
    • Surface Water
  • Treatment
    • Conventional
    • Membrane
  • Storage
    • Ground
    • Elevated
    • Rehabilitation 
  • Distribution

While it might seem like the less glamorous water service, it's critical for a healthy community. Transitioning water that is no longer usable back into the water cycle with minimal environmental challenges allows us all to enjoy everyday water activities.

  • Individual Systems (ISTS)
  • Lift Stations
  • Municipal Treatment Systems
  • Sanitary Sewer Conveyance Systems
  • Wastewater Treatment
    • Lagoon Systems
    • Mechanical Treatment
  • Water Quality Systems
Surface Water / Storm Water

Managing surface water is vital to protecting and sustaining our environment. The ability to manage our streams, lakes, rivers, and wetlands efficiently is a critical component of the global water supply.

  • Master Planning
  • Erosion Control
  • FEMA Mapping
  • Floodplain Management
  • Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling
  • Pumping Systems/Facilities
  • Storm Water Conveyance and Treatment Systems
  • Rural Watershed Management
  • Urban Storm Water Systems
  • Surface Water Management
  • Water Quality Monitors 
Ground Water

All water has the potential to be useful, and when that water is underground, additional steps may be needed to bring the water up, making it available for use. From hydrating us as drinking water, to irrigating our crops, ground water is an important part of our water system.

  • Underground Injection
    • Aquifer Storage and Recovery
    • Deep Well Injection
    • Underground Injection Control Permitting
  • Groundwater Supply Planning / Feasibility Analysis
  • Well Construction Logging and Permitting
  • Monitor Well Construction and Instrumentation
  • Aquifer Performance Test Design, Implementation and Analysis
  • Consumptive Water Use Permitting
  • Groundwater and Contaminant Transport Modeling
    • Maintain Water Quality 

Additional services you may need for your project:

Aviation Structural Environmental Oil & Gas Power Telecommunications Survey Right-of-Way Transportation Public Works Funding Resources Land Development Cultural Resources Construction Services Public Input Tribal SUE



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