Department of Energy Tribal Energy Infrastructure Deployment Grants

The Department of Energy announces new funding to deploy energy infrastructure on Tribal lands. This funding will support Native communities interested in harnessing their vast undeveloped energy resources in three topic areas:
- Installation of energy efficiency measures and/or energy generating systems for Tribal buildings that may include deep energy retrofits, energy generating systems, or a combination of those
- Deployment of community-scale energy generating systems on Tribal lands to provide electricity to a substantial number of buildings or even to an entire Tribal community
- Installation of energy systems for autonomous operation to power single or multiple essential Tribal loads during emergency situations, or to power a substantial number of essential Tribal loads for community resilience
Eligible Applicants: Federally recognized Indian Tribes including Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Tribal Energy Resource Development Organizations
Award Ceiling: None provided (total appropriation is anticipated to be $11.5 million)
Match: 50 percent
Deadline: April 19, 2018
For further information or assistance in applying for funding opportunities, contact KLJ at 701-355-8400.