Federal Railroad Administration Rail Capital Projects and Operating Assistance

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The US Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration has announced a grant opportunity for rail projects through the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements Grant Program. The grant is expected to leverage private, state, and local investments to boost a wide range of rail projects, including the potential for implementing positive train control, improving highway-rail grade crossings, mitigating congestion, repairing, or replacing railroad assets, and enhancing intercity passenger rail transportation. At least 25 percent of the funding will be used for rural projects. Funding will be awarded in four areas as follows:

  • Planning
  • FD/Construction
  • Safety programs and institutes

Eligible Applicants: States, groups of States, political subdivisions, intercity rail providers, Class II or Class III railroads, rail carrier or rail equipment manufacturer paired with a public entity, University transportation center, or non-profit labor organization representing a class of rail carrier employees

Award Ceiling: None                                                                               

Match: 20 percent (FRA has selection preference for applications where the Federal share is no more than 50 percent)

Deadline: June 15, 2018

Contact: Ruthie Americus, 202-493-0431, ruthie.americus@dot.gov

For further information or assistance in applying for funding opportunities, contact KLJ at 701-355-8400.

Tribal Energy Infrastructure Grants


The US Department of Energy has announced new funding to deploy energy infrastructure on Tribal lands. Funds will be available in three topic areas as follows:

  1. Installation of energy efficiency measures and/or energy generating systems for Tribal buildings that may include deep energy retrofits, energy generating systems, or a combination of energy efficiency measures.
  2. Deployment of community-scale energy generating systems on Tribal lands to provide electricity to a substantial number of buildings or even an entire Tribal community.
  3. Installation of energy systems for autonomous operation to power single or multiple essential Tribal loads during emergency situations, or to power a substantial number of essential Tribal loads for community resilience.


Eligible Applicants: Indian Tribes, including Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Village Corporations, and Tribal Energy Resource Development Organizations


Award Ceiling: $500,000 for topic area 1; $1 million for topic area 2; $500,000 for topic area 3    


Match: Grants will pay for no more than 50 percent of the project; a minimum 20 percent non-federal share is required


Deadline: April 19, 2018


Contact: TribalGrants@hq.doe.gov

For further information or assistance in applying for funding opportunities, contact KLJ at 701-355-8400.