Indian Highway Safety Program Grant

The Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of Justice Services, Indian Highway Safety Program is soliciting proposals for implementing traffic safety programs and projects which are designed to reduce the number of traffic crashes, deaths, injuries, and property damage within these populations. Applications are being solicited in the following program areas:
- Impaired Driving: Programs directed at reducing injuries and death attributed to impaired driving on the Reservation including traffic enforcement programs (STEP), specialized law enforcement training, public information programs, education programs, DUI/Impaired driving courts, and programs directed toward judicial training.
- Occupant Protection: Programs directed at decreasing injuries and deaths attributed to lack of safety belt and child restraint use including surveys to determine usage rates and to identify high-risk non-users, programs to promote use of child safety seats and occupant restraints, enforcement of safety belt ordinances, and specialized training and evaluations.
- Traffic Records: Programs that help Tribes develop or update electronic traffic records systems that assist them analysis of crash information, causational factors, and support joint efforts with other agencies to improve the traffic records system.
Eligible Applicants: Federally recognized Tribes
Award Ceiling: No maximum award indicated
Match: None
Deadline: May 1, 2018
Contact: Kimberly Belone, 505-563-3900,
For further information or assistance in applying for funding opportunities, contact KLJ at 701-355-8400.