KLJ Collaborates with Communities to Celebrate Engineers Week

KLJ is pleased to announce that it has collaborated with various community organizations across North Dakota and Montana to celebrate National Engineers Week, Sunday, February 19, 2017 – Saturday, February 25, 2017, and encourage youth to pursue careers in engineering.
On Tuesday, February 21, KLJ’s Bismarck headquarters will host a local Girl Scouts troop to celebrate Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (Girl Day). During the event, Girl Scouts will have the opportunity to interact and participate in hands-on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) activities with women who serve as leaders in various departments at KLJ including engineering, environmental, aviation and more.
“Girl Day is all about inspiring girls and showing them that engineering can be a fun career path where they have a tremendous impact on the world,” said surface transportation engineer, Jennie Krause. “We are excited to show Bismarck’s Girl Scouts how fun and rewarding engineering can be!”
On Tuesday, February 28, from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm at the North Dakota Heritage Center KLJ is working with the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) North Dakota Section, Gateway to Science, North Dakota Society of Professional Engineers and Moore Engineering to screen Dream Big: Engineering Our World, a fascinating film about engineering. This free event is geared towards schools and is open to the public with limited seating. Narrated by Academy Award-winning actor Jeff Bridges, and directed by two-time Academy Award-nominee MacGillivray Freeman, it was produced in partnership with ASCE and Bechtel Corporation. KLJ is also proud to work with various organizations to bring this film to students across North Dakota including Fargo, Grand Forks, Minot and Watford City.
On Saturday, March 4, at 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm at the Ellen Theatre in Bozeman, Mont., KLJ will screen Dream Big: Engineering Our World in partnership with the Bozeman Film Society, ASCE Montana Section, Montana State University (MSU) Extended University, Montana Girls STEM Collaborative, MSU Western Transportation Institute and West Region Transportation Workforce Center. Prior to the screenings, Shari Eslinger, an engineer at KLJ and Vice President of ASCE-MT, and Dr. Michael Berry, Assistant Professor in the MSU Civil Engineering Department, will open with a lively introduction titled “The Art of Problem Solving.”
In addition, on Thursday, February 23, KLJ will host its annual Bismarck-Mandan Chamber Membership Mixer in honor of National Engineers Week. Chamber members will socialize with KLJ employees and enjoy light appetizers.
National Engineers Week was founded in 1951 by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) to ensure a diverse and well-educated engineering workforce. Throughout the week engineers across America celebrate engineering and engage with youth to help them learn math, science and technical skills.