Noonan Earns PE!

We are proud to announce that Civil Engineer-in-Training (EIT) Brent Noonan has earned his Professional Engineer (PE) license in North Dakota. He is involved with the design, estimation, project management, storm water analysis, surveying, and material testing side of projects throughout Bismarck and its surrounding region.
Noonan has a diverse engineering background which includes permitting, platting, wetland mitigation, specifications, report writing, cost estimates, as well as design of roadways, trails, parks, baseball fields, site plans, parking lots, retaining walls, water distribution systems, sanitary sewer systems, storm water systems, ponds, erosion controls, and water quality features.
Noonan has a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, N.D. He is also a member of the North Dakota National Guard.