Protecting Piping Plovers

How do KLJ Environmental Piping Plover Surveys Contribute to Wildlife Conservation?

The piping plover, a small migratory shorebird native to North America, faces threats from habitat loss, human disturbance, and predation. Recognized for its distinctive markings and piping call, this bird nests on sandy or gravelly beaches and sandbars or alkaline wetlands. Conservation efforts like habitat preservation, habitat restoration, and predator management are crucial for its survival and are supported by its status on the threatened and endangered species list.

KLJ environmental specialists collaborate closely with state/federal agencies and clients to ensure environmental compliance while keeping the project moving forward. As part of our services, we conduct piping plover surveys, an essential component of working near US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) designated critical habitat during the piping plover breeding and nesting season. These surveys involve assessing disturbances from construction or noise on the plover’s nesting behaviors. Such monitoring can be a regulatory requirement. A piping plover observance near the project can potentially mandate an immediate halt to construction activities until federal agencies grant approval to resume work, underscoring our commitment to balancing progress with environmental stewardship.