Solar Energy Technology Funding

The Department of Energy, Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) has announced the availability of funding to support early-stage research that advances both solar photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) technologies, facilitating the swift integration of those technologies into the nation’s electricity grid. It is also designed to support efforts that prepare the workforce for the solar industry’s future needs.
Eligible Applicants: Individuals, state, local, and Tribal governments, for-profit companies, and consortia
Award Ceiling: Awards vary by specific topic areas and range from $1 million to a maximum of $18 million
Match: 20 percent
Deadline: Letters of Intent are due May 4, 2018. Full applications are due June 26, 2018.
Contact: Clay Pfrangle, 202-586-5000,,
For further information or assistance in applying for funding opportunities, contact KLJ at 701-355-8400.