WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grants

Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation is inviting communities to leverage their money and resources by cost sharing with Reclamation on projects that seek to conserve and use water more efficiently; increase the production of hydropower; mitigate conflict risk in areas at a high risk of future water conflict; enable farmers to make additional on-farm improvements in the future, including improvements that may be eligible for Natural Resource Conservation Services funding; and accomplish other benefits that contribute to water supply reliability in the western United States.
Eligible Applicants: States, Tribes, Irrigation Districts, Water Districts and other organizations with water or power delivery authority located in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
Award Ceiling: $1 million
Match: 50 percent
Deadline: May 10, 2018
Contact: Darren Olson, 303-445-3697, dolson@usbr.gov
For further information or assistance in applying for funding opportunities, contact KLJ at 701-355-8400.