Our team completed engineering, design, and procurement of three (3) 6,000 barrels per day (BPD) central production facility (CPF) with gas lift and booster compression in the DJ Basin located in northeast Colorado.
The main project component included directing all gas, oil, and water to a centralized pad. This helped minimize truck traffic, concentrated operator rounds, and allowed for fewer individual compressors leases by using larger units. This is an efficient and cost-effective method that increases potential oil production of existing wells by increasing the pressure of natural gas. The process includes pumping gas lift gas into the wellbore that escalates the pressure and helps push additional oil and/or gas out of the formation thus creating more product.
The expansion project was conducted in two phases that included multi-discipline engineering and design services including civil/structural, process, mechanical, piping, electrical, instrumentation, controls, permitting, and construction management. Phase I included the design and installation of gas lift compression to be returned to the individual wells and booster compression to send to the sales gas line. Equipment included in the design: oil, gas, and water pig receivers, gas lift and sales gas pig launchers, four (4) inlet oil heater treaters, two (2) vapor recovery towers (VRTs), ten (10) oil tanks (with expansion capability of six (6) additional oil tanks), low pressure (LP) and high pressure (HP) vapor recovery units (VRUs), three (3) water tanks, one (1) slop oil tank, booster and gas lift compressors, oil truck lease automatic custody transfer (LACT), and utility equipment (instrument air skid, fuel gas design), enclosed combustion devices (ECDs), electrical PDCs/MCC, and backup gas powered generation.
Elements of Phase II included, glycol contactor/absorber, glycol regenerator, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) system, oil pipeline pump skid, fuel gas conditioning unit, NGL/condensate storage bullets, blowers, and our team upgraded enclosed combustion device (ECD) to 98 percent destruction efficiency units. The project design also created piping which was directly connected to the collection facility.

The design minimized truck traffic in the county, expanded accessibility, increased collection and distribution, and maximized production and profitability at this location in the DJ Basin. Additionally, a fuel gas conditioning unit (FGCU) was used to condition fuel gas and produce natural gas liquids (NGL) and condensate product, ultimately reducing the volume of flared gas and combustors. The project was completed using our fully integrated engineering design packages using mechanical, electrical, structural, civil, and controls.
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