KLJ was commissioned by the Minot Park District to develop a site master plan. The master plan, implemented over the course of approximately 10 years, began with the mass grading of the fields and storm water management areas to achieve proper drainage of the fields. At the initial phase, off-street parking lots and vehicular circulation areas were graded and surfaced with aggregate until such time the owner's budget and financing package for the project allowed continual phased improvements including building and storage facilities, pedestrian walkways, and perimeter trail connections to the baseball park. Finally, the remaining phase, completed in 2014, finished the project with an all-weather asphalt surface to pave and stripe all access drives and parking lots within the complex.
The result was a phased implementation of a project that was master planned in the beginning to create the vision and wishes of the community for what the complex could provide. The project was then broken down into smaller, more manageable pieces from a financial standpoint while allowing core functions of the complex to be offered to the public at the onset of the phased implementation schedule.
The end result is a well-functioning athletic complex that includes ample parking and vehicular circulation for tournament play, while providing safe pedestrian connections through the park for players, spectators, and park users. The Jack Howeven Baseball Complex was awarded the Golden Egg Award by the North Dakota Recreation and Park Association.