Shiloh Christian School is a private school in Bismarck, ND that has experienced continued growth. In recent years, the school reached record enrollment and projections suggested significant growth will continue into the future. To accommodate the gain in students, Shiloh was forced to rent outside facilities for athletic and fine arts events because it did not have an adequate athletic facility for practices and games. In 2011, Shiloh hired KLJ to develop conceptual and preliminary site design for a new athletic complex and performing arts center.
Site considerations, including a wetlands area and 23 feet of vertical drop across the property, and coordination between all the disciplines associated with site design and construction presented numerous logistical challenges. The project’s construction schedule was unique and additional logistical considerations were required because project components are and will be completed as donation funds become available. Shiloh Christian School is a private educational institution and therefore requires private funding to continue operations. As a result, the project is funded primarily by donations from individuals and organizations within the community.
KLJ developed a conceptual and preliminary site design for an athletic complex and performing arts center along with wetlands delineation and mitigation services that could be constructed in various phases as funding became available. During the preliminary and final design phases, KLJ made a concerted effort to incorporate the concerns, questions, and design considerations provided by the client into the final site design. KLJ provided consultation and construction surveying and staking throughout Phase I and Phase II construction.

The project was designed to be constructed in three phases. Phase I was completed in October 2013 and includes a football and soccer field, track facility, baseball stadium, and associated amenities to better accommodate Shiloh’s students. The new complex allowed Shiloh Christian School to become the first high school in western North Dakota with a synthetic football/soccer field and rubberized track and synthetic baseball field located on campus.
Phase II was completed in August 2015 and includes the commons area that connects the existing elementary and high school to allow students and staff to pass through each building more easily. The additional phases, including a 36,500 square foot fine arts and theater complex, are expected to be complete within the upcoming years and will be entirely funded through community donations.