KLJ transformed the dated two-lane roadway of North Wallace Avenue to a more vehicle and pedestrian-friendly corridor. This included installing the city’s first traffic circle, the city’s first A-grade pedestrian rail crossing, several curb bulb-outs, adding a center median, as well as included wider curb-return to account for bus and semi-tractor traffic entering North Wallace Avenue. Additionally, the scope findings in the predesign phase led to the design inclusion of a new sanitary sewer main, water main, storm drain collection system, and the city’s second stormwater pre-treatment structure.
Our team engaged officials from both the City of Bozeman and the Northeast Urban Renewal Board from the initial design phase through construction and completion. The work included addressing roadway deficiencies, reducing traffic congestion, and developing a long-term traffic solution for the intersections. KLJ completed all project phases including planning and design, construction administration, construction oversight, and construction staking. The team, organized, consistent, and open communication which resulted in a complete, under budget project.

Streets are vital to a community’s infrastructure and transportation. North Wallace Avenue now provides a road with an up-to-date drainage system, pedestrian and bicycle friendly traffic speeds, and a sanitary sewer system that will prove to be invaluable to the success of the community’s growth.