KLJ developed a three-phased trail redevelopment project that encompassed the perimeter of Patterson Lake near Dickinson, ND. The original trail route was an unimproved single track hiking path that required improvements and maintenance, and as a result was underutilized by residents. The City of Dickinson, along with KLJ, are currently working to restore Crooked Crane Trail to improve safety and bring more value to residents.
The 1.8-mile 10-foot-wide concrete fitness loop is designed to challenge all age groups with fitness equipment clusters and provide a safe shared use path for users who wish to bypass the equipment.
To promote and encourage family use and experience, the fitness equipment includes a children’s play feature and an outdoor learning station so family fitness, learning and play can be experienced on the trail. Since safety was a concern, KLJ designed the play areas with a poured-in-place colored rubber surface, designed the trail to be wide enough to accommodate a variety of simultaneous users and strategically placed lighting at the fitness and play areas to improve safety.
KLJ made multiple visits to the location to determine areas where different trail elements could be placed and facilitated multiple meetings in the planning stage to discuss and understand the needs from the City of Dickinson and its residents. KLJ was able to address and plan for all aspects that ranged from construction to maintenance and management of the trail and strategies to minimize impacts.

The key to the project’s success was open lines of communication between KLJ and the trail’s stakeholder groups. The first project phase was completed ahead of schedule and under the total estimated construction bid cost for the project budget. The trail is an asset to the City as it provides an activity that all age groups can enjoy. In 2017, the Crooked Crane Trail was selected for an American Council of Engineering Companies award in North Dakota (ACEC/ND) which was rated on uniqueness and/or innovative applications, future value to the engineering profession and perception by the public, social, economic, and sustainable development considerations, complexity, and successful fulfillment of client/owner's needs. The project was also selected for a North Dakota Ready Mix & Concrete Products Association – Gold Star Award in 2016 and is based off of projects in North Dakota which demonstrate an excellence in concrete and masonry design and construction.