Originally constructed, the 1885 Viking bridge is registered with the National Register of Historic Places. The single-span through-truss bridge spanned the Goose River between Mayville and Portland, ND. The case wrought iron and steel components represent a significant shift in bridge construction in the upper Midwest during the 1880s. Damaged truss components and undermined abutment and deteriorated deck forced the bridge to close in 2006. When defining the rehabilitation scope, Midwest Industrial X-Ray conducted magnetic particle testing and ultrasonic inspection to determine the extent of cracking on wrought iron vertical hanging members, bottom chord members, and truss diagonals. Testing revealed substantial cracks undermining the structure's strength and long-term viability, warranting replacement. Since the vertical hanging members were vital components contributing to the bridge’s historic integrity, replacement was not an option.
KLJ designed a solution capable of leaving existing and vertical hanging members intact. A subtle reinforcing cable system provided support and backup in the event of failure. Project design also involved moving the bridge 10 feet south to better fit the river channel, installing new concrete abutments, replacing or repairing damaged steel components, replacing bridge pins, and installing a timber deck and curb system.

As the engineers designed, they focused on historic preservation requirements while solving practical safety issues. The rehabilitation provided the traveling public with an additional safe route to cross the Goose River. All design considerations eliminated safety issues and successfully restored the bridge’s functionality. Viking bridge was preserved and rehabilitated under budget and restored on schedule for vehicular use in fall 2010. The Viking Bridge Rehabilitation was an American Council of Engineering Companies award winner in North Dakota. The award recognizes uniqueness and/or innovative applications, future value to the engineering profession and perception by the public, social, economic, and sustainable development considerations, complexity, and successful fulfillment of client/owner's needs.