KLJ completed surveying, design, and permitting for the project before the spring of 2013; however, the area experienced yet another flooding event that required KLJ to adjust and fortify the design plan. The substantial elevation changes and erosion in the area added complexity to the project.
The resulting design included a 10” diameter corrugated steel pipe drop structure underneath the road, concrete headwalls, a grouted riprap plunge pool and rock drops. The design focused on isolating the location where there was a sudden change in elevation and slowed the speed of the water in the channel. This helped prevent future damage to the pipe and also minimizes erosion from occurring along the drain. Our team also completed the USACE permit paperwork for the project.
KLJ coordinated with county officials from the beginning of design to the end of construction. Phase one of construction was completed in November 2013 so County Road 9 could be reopened before winter. Phase two was completed in September 2014 with the entire project being completed under budget.

The flooding had been ongoing for some time, and the result of the work KLJ completed is a long-term solution that allows County Road 9 to remain a safe transportation route. This project also was awarded a highly competitive American Council of Engineering Companies (ND/ACEC) award in 2016 for engineering excellence in innovative water resources.