The city of Bismarck, ND continues to grow, particularly quickly on the north end of town. This rapid residential and commercial development created the need for improvements to 43rd Avenue NE, which was located near our Bismarck office. The 43rd Avenue NE project, from State Street to N 26th Street, consisted of reconstruction and widening of approximately one mile from 43rd Avenue NE and approximately a half mile of N 19th Street.
The alternative analysis process included traffic operations, ROW, utility, and environmental impacts. The selected roadway section consists of a four-lane urban road section between State Street and N 19th Street that transitions to a three-lane urban road section between N 19th Street and N 26th Street. Other improvements include new roundabouts at the intersections of N 19th Street and N 26th Street, lighting, traffic signal modifications at State Street, restricted access intersections, retaining walls, landscaping, railroad crossing, a 10-foot wide shareduse pedestrian trail, a 6-foot wide pedestrian sidewalk, watermain improvements, sanitary sewer improvements, and installation of a stormwater conveyance system that includes installing two box culverts and channel grading along the Hay Creek watershed.
The project consisted of reconstructing and widening approximately 1 mile of 43rd Avenue NE from North Washington Street to State Street.
KLJ approached the project using an extensive alternative analysis process to best meet the needs of the residents and businesses alike. The process evaluated all aspects of the corridor including traffic operations, right-of-way, and utility impacts; design criteria and standards; environmental impacts, and maintenance considerations. This process started with a Visioning Workshop consisting of stakeholders representing the City and State/North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT), fire, police, engineering, public works, community development staff, and an elected official. Ultimately, the workshop helped determine corridor priorities and guide alternatives evaluated in the traffic operations analysis in addition to the environmental document.
The traffic operations analysis followed the Visioning Workshop and studied four potential intersection and corridor alternatives which were evaluated by comparing access, speed, traffic operations, intersection control (roundabouts/traffic signals), safety, pedestrian/bikes, and intelligent transportation system (ITS)/technology applications. An extensive public engagement effort was included throughout the project and two alternatives were carried into the environmental document.
The selected roadway section consists of a four-lane urban road section between State Street and N 19th Street that transitions to a three-lane urban road section between N 19th Street and N 26th Street. Other improvements include new roundabouts at the intersections of N 19th Street and N 26th Street, lighting, traffic signal modifications at State Street, restricted access intersections, retaining walls, landscaping, railroad crossing, a 10-foot wide shared-use pedestrian trail, a 6-foot wide pedestrian sidewalk, water main improvements, sanitary sewer improvements, and installation of a stormwater conveyance system that includes installing two box culverts and channel grading along the Hay Creek watershed.
KLJ provided all survey, design, environmental documentation, right-of-way, and construction engineering services for the project.

This project was one of the largest construction projects in the City of Bismarck when it began in 2020. The improved roadway includes a multi-lane road, new lighting and traffic signals at intersections, and new sidewalks and provides opportunities for all the different modes of transportation. The team also ensured the corridor was visually appealing and beautiful, planting hundreds of trees in the median as well as the boulevards.
Overall, improvements increased roadway capacity, corrected roadway deficiencies, enhanced safety, improve travel for motorists, and enhance facilities for pedestrians.