KLJ developed a multifaceted methodology to gather essential stakeholder input regarding network needs and support for the proposed fiber connection. The study required assessing broadband access gaps, network speed and redundancy, current Internet Service Providers (ISP) serving the study area, estimated construction costs and other technical data essential to determining feasibility of implementing the proposed fiber connection.
KLJ approached stakeholder outreach effectively by combining face-to-face interviews with multiple entities and a targeted network user survey. Results of the stakeholder outreach process and network analysis showed that while most network users were currently satisfied with Internet and wireless service, future network demands will drive the need for the proposed fiber route. There were also several organizations that needed faster speeds and redundant connections the line could provide.
KLJ developed a needs assessment for CAEDA documenting the various factors impacting the need for the fiber optic connection between Casper and Rawlins. Our telecommunications experts also outlined solutions and cost estimates to address future network capacity, access gaps, need for coordination with ISPs and government agencies, and overall study recommendations. Alternatives for the 127-mile fiber route included a fiber only solution as well as a solution involving the installation of fiber in two ducts to allow for maintenance access.
KLJ drafted a feasibility report addressing constructability and functionality of the fiber line. The feasibility study provided CAEDA with information needed to make important decisions on the fiber optic route construction and implementation.