After completing a next-generation Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) based medium haul statewide transport network for Dakota Carrier Network (DCN), KLJ designed and helped deploy metro-fiber facilities to connect DCN customers to the core network. As DCN’s network architect and consulting engineer, KLJ helped DCN lengthen their customer reach by expanding several metro-fiber optic networks. DCN’s unique business plan allowed them to partner with the independent telephone companies in North Dakota to provide local access in many of the communities throughout North Dakota with approximately 8,500 miles of fiber optic cable, much of which was engineered by KLJ. These relationships allowed DCN to reach customers in 251 of 282 North Dakota communities. However, the three largest communities in North Dakota required a different strategy for DCN to reach the many customers located in Fargo, Grand Forks, and Bismarck, including DCN’s second largest customer: The State of North Dakota Information and Technology Division.
Fargo-Moorhead, with a combined population of more than 130,000 people, was the first of the three networks. KLJ and DCN created a network vision that serves the entire Fargo-Moorhead metro area with dense fiber applications. Metro-rings feed various Points-of-Presence and key customer locations, while linear paths are used to serve the less critical traffic of various customer locations. Through comprehensive master planning and market development, DCN could adopt a just-in-time strategy, allowing incremental development of the network around their growing business.
DCN, along with KLJ, developed and constructed similar networks in Bismarck-Mandan (population 100,000) and Grand Forks-East Grand Forks (population 90,000). These metropolitan area networks allow DCN to reach a significant customer base, including three universities, various state government locations and significant network users, including the 52-node Bio-terrorism Network and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Dakota. All combined, DCN’s customers rely on the fault-resistant networks of DCN.
In addition to being the network architect, KLJ served as a key component in the development success of the fiber network by delivering key support services, including detailed engineering and design, right-of-way acquisition and permitting, contract negotiations and management and construction management. KLJ also handled project development phases and implementation for DCN.