
As part of the Master Plan, KLJ developed construction phases and estimated the associated development costs and fees. Since project construction was a 50/50 split between federal funding through NRCS and local funding through the Morton County Water Resource District and Morton County Parks, each phase was split with federal funded qualified work and local funds.



The Harmon Lake Recreation Area had five phases of development. Each phase was implemented into construction upon federal and local funding availability. As part of the Master Plan, a variety of state and federal grants were identified and tied to the phased construction implementation plan.



The Harmon Lake Recreation Area included design of an on-site sewer collection and treatment system, water distribution system, power distribution system,of all recreational features and site infrastructure including campgrounds, beach, boat ramp, trails, access roads, playground, and utilities. Each year Harmon Lake draws visitors from all over the region for various trail races, triathlons, and kite festivals and continues to be an asset to the community.