Brownfield Grants

Brownfield Assessment Grants
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is requesting applications for Brownfield assessment grants. Assessment grants provide funding for developing inventories of brownfield sites, prioritizing sites, conducting community involvement activities, conducting planning, conducting site assessments, developing site-specific cleanup plans, and developing reuse plans related to brownfield sites. Applicants may apply as follows:
Community-wide Assessment Grants are appropriate when a specific site is not identified, and the applicant plans to spend grant funds on more than one brownfield site in its community.
Site-specific Assessment Grants are appropriate when a specific site is identified, and the applicant plans to spend the grant funds on one site only.
Assessment Coalition Grants are for three or more eligible entities who will perform assessment grant activities on at least five brownfield sites within their community.
Eligible Applicants: Counties, municipalities, cities, towns, townships, local public authorities, school districts, special districts, intrastate districts, councils of government, and other regional or interstate government entities, as well as land clearance authorities or other quasi-governmental entities, redevelopment agencies, states, Indian Tribes, nonprofit organizations, limited liability corporations/partnerships and qualified community development entities.
Maximum Grant Request: Community-wide up to $300,000; Site-specific up to $200,000; and Coalition up to $600,000
Match: Match is not required
Deadline: December 3, 2019
Contact: Melisa Devincenzi, EPA Region 8, 303-312-6377,
For further information or assistance in applying for this or other funding opportunities, contact KLJ at 701-355-8400
Brownfield Cleanup Grants
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is requesting applications for Brownfield cleanup grants. Grants will be evaluated based on the extent to which the applicant demonstrates: a vision for the cleanup, reuse, and redevelopment of brownfield sites and a strategy for leveraging resources to help accomplish the vision; environmental, social, health and economic needs and benefits of the target area; strong community engagement; reasonable and eligible tasks and appropriate use of grant funding; and the capacity for managing and successfully implementing the grant.
Eligible Applicants: Counties, municipalities, cities, towns, townships, local public authorities, school districts, special districts, intrastate districts, councils of government, and other regional or interstate government entities, as well as land clearance authorities or other quasi-governmental entities, redevelopment agencies, states, Indian Tribes, nonprofit organizations, limited liability corporations/partnerships and qualified community development entities.
Maximum Grant Request: $500,000
Match: 20 percent
Deadline: December 3, 2019
Contact: Melisa Devincenzi, EPA Region 8, 303-312-6377,
For further information or assistance in applying for this or other funding opportunities, contact KLJ at 701-355-8400