KLJ Helps Secure $25 Million RAISE Grant
KLJ Helps Secure $25 Million RAISE Grant for Robert Street Complete Streets and Viaduct Replacement Project
Read MoreKLJ Helps Secure $25 Million RAISE Grant for Robert Street Complete Streets and Viaduct Replacement Project
Read MoreKLJ Secures $37.5 Million Grant for Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Pavement Resiliency and Restoration Project Grant
Read MoreKLJ is proud to announce that it has successfully helped five Tribal clients secure a total of $15.9 million in Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant funding.
Read MoreKLJ is proud to announce Becky Rosenleaf has been promoted to government relations team leader. She is based in our Billings, MT location.
Read MoreKLJ Engineering LLC (KLJ), is proud to announce our team recently secured more than $3.9 million in Tribal grant funding through the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund (TTPSF).
Read MoreKLJ Engineering LLC (KLJ), a comprehensive engineering and consulting services firm, is pleased to announce the firm has opened an office in New Mexico.
Read MoreIn the heart of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, the Oglala Sioux Tribe is leading a significant initiative—the BIA Route 33 Tribal Resiliency and Evacuation Route Improvement Project.
Read MoreGreat news for rural communities! The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced a $20 million grant program to promote high-speed internet in rural areas (population less than 20,000).
Read MoreKLJ Engineering (KLJ) is proud to announce that Denae Johnson recently earned her Certified Structured Professional Facilitator certification. Johnson is a government relations specialist with more than 15 years of experience focusing on project success and developing positive partnerships. She is a solid communicator with a deep commitment to public interest.
Read MoreEverything you need to know about applying for a Kansas Back to Business Broadband Grant in five simple steps.
Read MoreThe Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently introduced the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) in an effort to expand digital equity to underserved communities across the nation. The $20.4 billion fund is intended to extend broadband services to both household and business users over the next 10 years.
Read MoreSouth Dakota Department of Transportation announces the availability of 2021 Transportation Alternatives (TA) funds. This program includes Safe Routes to School, Scenic Byways, and Recreational Trails projects and activities that were previously eligible under the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), encompassing a variety of smaller-scale transportation projects such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, recreational trails, Safe Routes to Schools projects, community improvements such as historical preservation and vegetation management, and environmental mitigation related to stormwater and habitat connectivity.
Read MoreUnited States Congress has implemented multiple phases of a stimulus package to alleviate the economic burden of the COVID-19 pandemic. Infrastructure funding is included in this package and must be used by the end of 2020. Currently, funding is available to cover state, federal, and Tribal government mass transit, airport, passenger rail, and municipal infrastructure as well as loans for states and municipalities.
Read MoreThe Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED), Office of the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs is soliciting proposals from Indian Tribes for grant funding to hire consultants to perform feasibility studies for deployment or expansion of high-speed internet (broadband) transmitted, variously, through digital subscriber line (DSL), cable modem, fiber, wireless, satellite, and broadband over power lines (BPL).
Read MoreWhat began as a small, family firm has evolved into a dynamic leader in engineering excellence. We seek creative, smart and ambitious professionals who step outside the box and make a difference, every day. From recent college graduates to experts with more than 40 years experience, KLJ attracts professionals from around the world.