Traffic flow on North Washington Street in Bismarck, ND has grown exponentially. With an expected 27,500 vehicle volume in 2040, new residential developments, and school construction, the City of Bismarck had to increase roadway capacity, correct roadway deficiencies, and improve pedestrian crossings.
Our team worked on various aspects to complete the federal aid North Washington Street project, which consists of reconstruction and widening of approximately 1.5 miles of North Washington Street from Calgary Avenue to 57th Avenue and reconstruction and widening of approximately 1/2 mile of 43rd Avenue/Ash Coulee. The new roadway consists of a four-lane curbed urban road section with intersection turn lanes, and includes lighting, traffic signals, landscaping, and pedestrian facilities. Project development included survey, Categorical Exclusion (CATEX), design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction. The project also required development of a storm water management plan for the corridor and installation of a 24-inch trunk waterline along 43rd Avenue. In addition, we compiled document preparation, title research, and appraisal coordination, as well as landowner negotiations and acquisitions.

The new roadway provides additional capacity for increased traffic flow and enhances safety. These changes are an important asset to Bismarck that will assist the community’s growing needs for many years to come.