KLJ partners with Oglala Sioux Tribe Department of Transportation to Secure $60M for Transformative Roadway Resilience Project on Pine Ridge Reservation
In the heart of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, the Oglala Sioux Tribe is leading a significant initiative—the BIA Route 33 Tribal Resiliency and Evacuation Route Improvement Project. This project focuses on reconstructing 26.4 miles of critical roadways from Rockyford to Red Cloud, SD, which have long suffered from poor paving, inadequate drainage, and damage from severe weather.
KLJ played a pivotal role in the realization of this project by assisting in the preparation and submission of a detailed grant application that successfully secured $60 million in funding under President Biden’s "Investing in America" infrastructure initiative. KLJ’s expertise in planning, engineering and grant writing helped define the project's scope, detailed technical specifications, and highlighted its importance, ensuring it met federal criteria and addressed the community's needs. This effort led to significant funding that will greatly enhance the region's infrastructure resilience and safety.
The Tribe's efforts aim to upgrade these roads to meet Federal Highway Administration standards. Key enhancements include widening ditches to promote flood and snow storage, enlarging culverts to withstand reoccurring flood events, and strengthening road surfaces with advanced materials for better resiliency. This project will provide critical transportation benefits to the local community including improved system operations, decrease travel time by providing reliable transportation access, strengthen the regional economy, provide access to increased employment options, and further local community connectivity, all enhancing the overall sustainability of the Tribal community.
KLJ’s goal for all our clients is to help them find long-term solutions for their community. We are grateful for Oglala Sioux Tribe Department of Transportation’s trust in our continued partnership over the years to assist them with their engineering and grant writing needs. To help bring this project to fruition will truly be transformational.