
cultural resources

Five Quick Facts About Carbon Capture: What You Need to Know

Five Quick Facts About Carbon Capture: What You Need to Know

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Carbon capture, or carbon sequestration, is receiving a lot of attention in the news and in Congress. In short, carbon capture is the process of taking carbon dioxide from manmade facilities and storing it deep underground. This reduces the amount of carbon dioxide that makes it into the atmosphere, which can slow the accumulation of greenhouse gases and the effects of climate change.

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Davis Joins KLJ as Archaeologist

Davis Joins KLJ as Archaeologist

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We are excited to welcome Dr. Chris Davis to KLJ! Chris joins the team as an archaeologist, and is located in our Englewood, CO office. He is an expert in archaeological excavation, zooarchaeology and taphonomy, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), technical reporting, and digital techniques in archaeology, just to name a few.

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